Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You Are A Masterpiece

You are a masterpiece.
It may not feel like it at the moment, you may look at your life and see yourself as a complete failure, a person who is off course, headed in the wrong direction. For others, as you read those words, you have a sense of agreement with that statement. Not so much that you truly believe it but rather you know it is the right thing to believe. You read the first sentence of this book and you repeat to yourself, “I am a masterpiece”, as if just saying it will make it so. You are like the Saturday Night Live character Stuart Smalley, who looking in the mirror was always trying to convince himself; “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” Maybe you tire day after day of trying to pump yourself up, trying to self motivate. There is a better way!
If asked to describe a masterpiece the first thing that comes to mind for most people might be something along the lines of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Mona Lisa. Hanging in the Louvre behind bullet proof glass in a controlled environment to preserve the pigment and the canvas, well protected. The furthest thing from our minds would be to respond by describing ourselves. It would be vain and arrogant, egotistical, haughty and conceited, to point toward oneself as a masterpiece, unless…Unless? Unless what? Unless we understand that we are not the creators of the masterpiece.
You are a masterpiece. Not because you are an exceptional artist who has painted every brush stroke of life perfect or because every choice you have made was the right color for your life’s canvas. You are a masterpiece, not because you stood before your life’s canvas at a young age and created a perfect composition that would fulfill your every dream, hope and wish. No it is much more and greater than anything of your choosing, in fact you are not even the artist. You are a masterpiece because God created you as His masterpiece.

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